
The e-Auctioning application, which includes Reverse and Forward options allows bidders to quote for individual items in real time within the auctioning window. Below is a list of all the features MKCL’s Auction has to offer. We have taken extensive measures to ensure that MKCL’s the Auctioning module includes everything you need to make your auctioning process successful.

Services Offered:

  • Define multiple types of auctions.
  • Hide bidders name by masking the actual names.
  • Block errant bidders from bidding.
  • View bidders during an auction.
  • Reject particular bid to save it from being scrapped.
  • Bidding timing can be set as a fixed or managed at run time.
  • Define whether bid decrement value can be changed at run time or set it as constant for a particular event.
  • Define whether bid decrement can be set as a minimum value /percentage or in multiples of minimum value/percentage.
  • Define whether bid decrement can be set as percentile or value format.
  • Cancel or Pause existing ongoing events.
  • Controller of an event can flash messages to bidders during the event.
  • Easy user interface to create new event and its scheduling.
  • Audit trails reports of each activity.
  • Communication via SMS’s and emails to send information to differentStakeholders.